Friday, January 21, 2011

Let's see how long this blogging thing lasts.

Well, here I am, blogging.  Never done it before.  Never really had any interest in it either.  I don't really think that I enjoyed reading other people's blogs, to be honest.  But, expecting a child really changes my interests and perspectives.  Go figure.  Now, I find myself reading other parents' and expectant parents' blogs with great interest.

So, my wonderful wife and I are expecting a child this year (2011), March to be more specific.  That is why I've chosen the title for my blog to be "White Rabbit Hutch."  Chinese zodiac sign for those born this year. The White Rabbit.  I am of Korean descent but don't really put much emphasis in all that Zodiac mumbo jumbo but I do proudly tell people that I am a "Tiger" every chance I get... Usually when fortune cookies are being smashed opened and fortunes read aloud at some chinese restaurant or other.

My wife has been making sure that I document all of my nursery preparations with pictures.  I just didn't see why I would take the time away from a task to do so.  Well, yet again, she was right.  I should've listened and photographed everything from the very git-go.  I did, start taking pictures of a lot of the nursery creation nonetheless.  It sure makes the project so much more enjoyable.  Looking at what I start with and then seeing what I've created.  My wife is so wise.

How do I have all this time to do so much work on a nursery?  Well, my wife and I have decided that I will be staying home with the baby while she continues to work.  I don't think that this was the most ideal situation since nothing would please my wife more than to be able to stay at home to raise our children but circumstances are circumstances.  Well, anyway.......  "Ha Ha," I keep thinking to myself boy did I get the sweet end of that deal.  "HA HA," my wife tells me, you don't know what you've just signed up for.  Did I mention how wise she is?  I start to rethink our decision.  Well, I'm sticking with it.  I ain't no quitter.

Here we go!  Let's get this thing started.  I know you all are waiting with bated breath for my next blog post but I suppose it will have to wait 'cause I need to watch some Food Network!

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