Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crib skirt....how hard could it be?..............

So, the wife and I were perusing the fabric store over the past weekend and came across a fabric that really "spoke" to us.  We liked it, a lot.  The wife thought that it was nice but thought that it would be too masculine if we had  a girl.  Did I mention that we are not finding out the sex?  Crazy, I know.  So, we ended up leaving the store empty handed. 

Now, I follow  a fellow blogger around these parts. I believe her blog is titled:  "Hibler House" and it is really cool to follow.  So, this young lady did a DYI crib skirt that looked to be "tacklable."  I totally nade that word up.  So, thinking about that fabric, I went back to the store and bought 2 yards, 40 percent off to boot and I was off to dust off the old sewing machine to do up my very own crib skirt.

Well, let me just warn you that this Mrs. Hibler must be like a sewing master or mistress or whatever you want to call it because she makes it look effortless to tackle.  She's all like, "La la la, just go ahead and zig zag this and pin and tuck this and there you have it.  A crib skirt!  Now for a novice like myself I read and reread her directions, her suggestions looked at her pictures, etc. etc.  So, to her credit, she is a very good instructor and is very thorough in her description because I got the long sides of the skirt done and being 1:05 A.M.  I thought I'd go ahead and leave some of the work for tomorrow. 

 So, this is the fabric we (I) chose.  I don't know, is it not girly enough, just in case? 

Fabric cut and hemming.  Is that the correct word for this maneuver?  I don't know, whatever.

I haven't concentrated this hard since the S.A.T.'s.  I wonder if I would break 900 if I took that test today.  No new math has been invented since 1994, has there?  Anyway, back to sewing with my P.O.S. machine.  I think that there is something to be said about buying a pricier machine than my 90 dollar Wal-Mart setup.  I spent half of my time adjusting and cutting out bird's nests of thread from my work.  It was painful.  I will spare you the gory images.  I'll just share my happy images.

 These are my panels all zig zag stitched and hemmed.  Pretty snazzy, huh?  Pretty hairy, actually.

 After some wine, my stitches got a lot straighter.  Or at least it seemed to get straighter.  We'll see in the morning.

Okay, this is where this project got a little de la ghetto.  When I purchased my really cool fabric, I also bought some white cotton fabric that would be the top panel of this here crib skirt.  Well, I only bought 1 yard.  Now, one yard of fabric is 36" X 36".  The dimensions of the mattress is something like 51" X 27".  You do the math 'cause I sure as heck didn't.  Well, I wanted to get this thing started so I ask the wife for an old sheet if we had one.  She threw this queen sized fitted sheet to me and let me know that we don't own a queen sized mattress anymore so do what I want.  She is awesome!  Well, I start cutting it up and realize there are couple of holes in it.  Should I use it?  Mrs. Hibler said it would never be seen.  You know, She's right!  I used it.

And there it is, in all its crooked stitchedness.  Not too bad.  I like it.  Looks like a keeper.  I told the wife I'd make another one if it's a girl but I think I may have to go back on my word on that one.  Tomorrow, I sew on the two short sides and this project is in the books!

1 comment:

  1. Omg Jay, looks like too much work. I'm impressed. And I think it def works for either boy or girl! I can't wait to find out!
